Yup, you just started to read this article.
Weird huh?
Look: Your life may not be weird ~ like I am. But I’m sure that you it is filled with To Do list, things and as with all people- some troubles. It’s just a reality.
I may seem like a problem or trouble, but I just wrote this letter to tell you things that maybe nobody else will. Read it. You’ll most likely never see me again. So maybe God brought me to you today. In case your ready to toss this, do yourself a favor and read just a bit.
Look: Life sucks sometimes: yet above any person, Dr, medication, friends, therapy and even religion or church - Jesus wants to save you and live in your heart and whole life and be your best friend and welcome you someday to Heaven to give you a Mansion located near streets paved with Gold. You and God 1-1. That’s awesome.
I’m not into religion. Even though I am an Ordained Pastor, I’m not much into Church, at least the way it is today with judging people, rules & the desire for money. Jesus hated religion too. Its in the Bible. The only people against Him and the only people He argued with, were the Priest & Religious leaders. They promoted a system and yet God promoted personal Salvation. They had Churches of Gold and yet Jesus died on rotting Wood. I really don’t care if you’re a Catholic, Baptist or anything. This message is for all people of all religions and races.
You may not get a chance to fully know me (Pastor andy). I don’t care about your money or personal info. I’m not asking you to come to my - or any Church. My care for you, is simplybecause i am a messenger & friend of Jesus - and i simply want to tell you things that maybe nobody else will. Other Pastors and Church people mention Church or their denomination.
I don’t. I go above that and simply talk of Jesus and your life. My talent & ability is on loan from God and He will ask me what I did with what He gave me. So I take His gift of Salvation & love and I share it with you.
- All of us have lied (meeee tooo), have hated, lied, envied, etc. You and I are sinners who have sinned & broke God's Commandments. We are broken like Humpty Dumpty from the falling off the wall of life. And the only way to Heaven, is to be made fixed (healed) and that’s not just by praying a prayer or being a good person, but instead we are only healed by following Jesus with complete surrender of our whole life. He gave 100% for you on the bloody Cross. All of His innocent pure self. All of Himself. You need to give Him 100% of your life. Please don’t fall off the wall into the trap of dumb religion or big Churches.
I simply ask or hope that you will believe & ask Jesus to forgive you & follow Him. Let Him Save & Help you. Read the Love Letter Bible. Start by reading & praying Psalm 51. Then after read Psalm 34. Then start with the book of John which is after the book of Luke.
The only religious leader that has ever died and has an empty tomb - is Jesus Christ. All other religions have dead religious leaders rotting. But Jesus is Alive.
May JESUS be your Savior, and notyour religion. Jesus wants to save you and live in your heart. Being 1-1 (just you and Him). The religious Priest & Pastors were angry that Jesus picked 12 ordinary guys who were mostly uneducated - to be His friends & followers (Disciples). Today Churches run like a business with the top guy being the Pastor. That’s wrong. The people that Jesus Saved & lives in - are the top people - all equal. Many of my contemporary Pastors get angry at me saying that. But that’s ok, religious people have always been against Jesus & His deep personal words of freedom.
The way to Heaven, is not to just pray a prayer but to follow Jesus with the complete surrender of your whole life. He gave 100% for you on the bloody Cross. You need to give Him 100% of your whole entire life. Don’t cheat.
May JESUS be your Savior, in a relationship and not be your religion.
Look: God is not against you having things. He's against other things having you.
Jesus did not come to start a Religion or a Denomination. He came to rescue you from Hell.
You will notice that I speak in blunt common words. Jesus actually did that too. He even called the religious leaders names. Jesus really hated the way these top religious Priests/Pastors were! Jesus called them “hypocrites, fools, snakes and vipers”. The Apostle Paul called some people liars and other names. Jesus, Paul and others * talked real straight talk.
Jesus Christ is gutsy and confrontational.
People who speak the truth will be * straight honest talkers. Especially if they just want to say the truth and don’t need or want anything back from you.
So that’s what I do. I just read my Bible, Pray and talk to people honestly about Jesus.
Want Truth? Good. Look - God doesn’t send anyone to Hell. People make that choice all by themselves while being lied to by the devil. God didn’t make you a robot. God gave you free will to choose between Salvation or just being a good person, religious Church person who does not have 100% of Jesus personally.
Let me ask you: Do you ever warn your children or friends? If they were swimming in the ocean and you saw a shark * would you warn them? If they were too close to the road and traffic - * would you warn them? Do people warn you that the coffee or diner plate may be hot? Well - warnings ARE love. They are meant to help save you. To rescue you.
Look! Jesus will take every step to Save you - but the last one. That choice - is up to you - just you.
One of the key things in “love” is to “look” and “see”.
As I am married to my wife, if I don’t look at her, or if I choose to live far away from her, if I never think of her or talk of her, and I don’t give her all of my heart and life, than am I honestly in love with her? The look we should give to Jesus, our lover, should be from more then from our eyes, it should be from our heart.
Let me tell you a story:
“There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. Looking & seeing where not possible for her. She hated everyone - except the one that she claimed she loved, her boyfriend, who had taken care of her & all her needs. He was always there for her, no matter what hurt or pain she had.
She told her boyfriend, "If I ever could see you then I would then marry you".
Well one day someone - donated a pair of seeing eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. Soooo he asked her, "Now that you can see the world, will you stay with me forever and marry me as you promised?”
- The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind! The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that!
So then as she began to think of forever looking at him & his blindness for the rest of her life, she began to tell him that she does not want to look at him or be married to him.
- Her boyfriend left in sadness & tears and days he later wrote a note to her saying;
“I love you. Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for I want you to know, that before they were your eyes to see, - they were mine when I could seeyou."
—- I think that this is how it is for many people, even church people today. Many say we see or have “accepted” Jesus years ago, or were baby baptized or they go to a fun Church and they may think they are good enough to go to Heaven But in truth they are blind and can’t see Jesus for who He is and what His Bible says.
Jesus in His Bible says “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” Isa 45:22
The great Theologian (LOL) - Yogi Berra said “You can see a lot by just looking”! —- So Look to Jesus.
The Bible calls Satan the Prince of darkness and lies. It says that Satan will fool and trick people, even Church people. Jesus calls the Devil & his Demons the “power of darkness”. You see it everywhere in the ugly crime, wicked rulers, government, hatred and just mean behavior. You can’t read the newspaper without seeing the junk of evil, meanness, hurting, protestors, violence and crap about Hollyweird (wood). Plus the media lying to you.
But the Bible calls Jesus the light of the world. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is referred to as Immanuel, which means "God with us". You know what happens when light enters a dark room? The darkness goes away and the roaches go hide.
Jesus is truth. Jesus is the only way and the only truth in this dark crazy phony world.
Jesus came to pay for your crime of breaking the 10 Commandments - by dying for you. They tortured Jesus, ripped off His face and hurt Him so bad that when they got done - He didn't look like a person anymore. Got that? He did that willingly for you. Your only hope of Heaven is asking Jesus to Save you - that is much different then you just going to Church or wearing a gold cross. Those "things" don't make you a Christian -anymore than going to Taco Bell - makes you a Burrito.
Important: Jesus will never accept 2ndplace. He is either 1st and your Lord of All - or not at all.
I don’t tell people to stop smoking or drinking. Instead I tell them to fall backwards, give up their whole life to Jesus and get a restart (Born Again) where He is now your Lord God and lives in your heart.
Important if your a Church person:
Some Church people asked Jesus, "Lord, will only a few be saved?" Jesus replied, "many will try to enter but will fail. When the master of the house has locked the door, it will be too late.
You will stand outside knocking and pleading, 'Lord, open the door for us!' But he will reply, 'I don't know you!" Matt 7:21-23. Then in Lk 13 Jesus says - Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven”. That’s huge important writing, especially for todays religious people & Pastors.
If you don’t give Him 100% of who you are, if you only give Him 80 or 90 or even 95%, then you’re stealing. You’re committing spiritual adultery. He gave you 100% of His innocent pure life and you’re cheating Jesus by only giving Him part of yourself. Even if you add in your Church, gold cross, good deeds, being nice….. you’re still not 100% His and so you are cheating & stealing from Him and sending yourself to Hell. You must must must give Jesus 100% of full control of your life or you can’t have the 100% or even 1 tiny percent % of Jesus or Heaven.
That’s just straight talk from Gods Bible.
Jesus must personally and almost romantically - in a pure way - have all of you to really show you how much He loves you.
It says in the book Song of Solomon that He wants to hold you, kiss you and later it says He wants to sing you a love song (Zephaniah 3:17).
Jesus gave up His life - to be tortured and die & pay your guilty sin penalty crimes & Save you. He has walked into your life’s ugly jail cell, to let you go free - while He takes on Himself allll of your punishment. But you can say "No" to Him - and stay in your ugly bad jail - if you want to. It’s Your choice! Jesus is here to rescue you from eternity in a place called Hell. BUT - you are free to close the door in Gods face.
From Adam & Eve (it was not Steve) there has been Sin. That's why we need a Savior. Jesus Christ wants to take His Nail pierced hands and Hug & Love you and He wants to be with you to help you forever.
Look: "Gods wrath and anger is also part of His Glory. Because if you lookat the bloody stained crucifixion cross and you don’t see Gods hatred of Sin, that He punished Jesus for (in your place) then you’re not seeing the truth and His love for you. Your Church or Pastor or friends did not die in your place to forgive you. Instead God did that. That’s THE LOVE OF GOD.
It says in the Bible that Jesus Cried - John 11:35. Jesus only had a rock for a pillow. He was left alone in the wilderness, knew He cried. His family deserted Him and told Him (even Mary who was also a sinner who called Jesus her Lord) that He was crazy. Later His friends all left Him. Jesus knows about being Sad, and how people like you can be Tired, Broke, Poor, Worried, Anxious and Confused.
Yet Jesus was tortured and died for you. The Best gift ever. But a gift is only good if it is opened. Jesus tells you to open the gift by calling out to Him and pray to Him & ask Him to be your Lord - He wants to be your new life and to help you.
Jesus looked at you and says "With other people this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mk 10:27.
Jesus is God.
Look: The Mormons, Jehova Witnesses and other Cults are dangerous and don’t agree with what Jesus said. Stay away from them.
IF YOU get Saved and rescued, then it is Awesome to know THAT ALL of YOUR PROBLEMS can be HELPED by the HANDS THAT BLED for YOU.
My advise it to pray something like:
"Dear Jesus, i have been a person that killed you with my sins. You had to die for me. Please forgive me. I need to be dead and crucified with you on that Cross. I believe enough in you Jesus - to ask for your mercy & for you to wash away my dirty sins with your clean red blood from your Cross & forgive me. I ask you to be my Lord and give me yourself and your love and peace and to live in my heart. May I only breathe air and live now, just for you Jesus, because you are inside of me.
I want to completely & only trust in you alone, and not in any person, church or thing. This is because you personally love me and you personally died for me. Help me to read your Bible. Please be my best friend and Savior and when I die i want to be with you in Heaven. May Galatians 2:20 be real for me. Amen”
Look: I am married for 34 years with 4 great kids. But Jesus comes first. I am only interested in you for your Salvation and to help you. Nothing weird & nothing more. I don’t need your name, money or anything.
If you pick a Church, find one that is very small with regular people. Big Churches, great music bands, may be fun, but that is not what Jesus wants. He wants you to be in a small family type Church that has normal people who will help you. A Church that teaches on God the Holy Spirit and His Baptism and Gifts. Make sure of that because many Churches today do not. They are more Social fun clubs than true Biblical Churches. God wants to give you life (Salvation) and Power (Baptism of God by usually handsbeing gently placed on your head) and Gifts for you to share. Water Baptism can come later, it is a sign, a symbol like a wedding ring. But Salvation & the Spiritual Baptism of God (Baptism of God the Holy Spirit) with His Gifts - is key. Primary top things.
I am an Ordained Pastor, have taught at Bible College, many Churches throughout America and I know that many Churches - way too many - are wrong & messed up. But that doesn’t make Jesus wrong. Sadly there are people named Andy in prison. That doesn’t make me (Andy) a bad person, though my wife may disagree some .. lol
Small tiny Churches that teach the Bible, let * other people teach and share and * participate and that as a mandatory practice they encourage people to ask for the * Biblical Spiritual Baptism of God (not water, that is different and it can come later), are usually the best ones. But they are hard to find. Also make sure they don’t serve a Communion wafer or cracker & juice shot glass, but instead they have a small Communion fellowship meal.That’s Biblical.
Keep posted to my website AndyLovesJesus.com for updates. I usually rent out a small cheap building, or the Marriott Hotel, with no costly expensive things & I work for free, so I don’t have to beg for money like many other Churches do. I also let everybody eat when I teach and walk around freely and participate as a family without me needing a stage above them. I tell other Pastors “Be humble or you will stumble”. As I close, please read those Bible verses and have a simple real talk with Jesus.
If you need me, want help praying or understanding the Bible, feel free to email me at Pastor@andylovesJesus.com or call 585-348-7557
His & Yours,
Pastor andy
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