Who is this fat ugly guy who wrote this card for you to read?
Weird huh?
No worries ok! Look: I’m just a guy who is an Ordained official licensed Pastor - with an awesome pretty wife, 4 cool kids, not much money, a lot of bills, some dumb health problems and a happy Dog named “Bo Duke”. (I’m just a lot like some of you, except probably much worse!)
No religion. No Church stuff. No Denomination stuff. Just you - as a living person who will die someday - and what God says about you.
Important: I want you to know that I’m not interested in your money, your name or personal info & I probably will never see you again. I prayed, then wrote & paid for these cards and I give them out for free to people all over the world.
Its my “recipe” for life. I have taught people all over the world, about Jesus. All denominations & Churches.
Ok! Your probably thinking -
“I don’t want to read any religious stuff”. Good!
Because just like my Lord Jesus, I also hate religion & its desire for money, power & rules. I really don’t care if you’re a Catholic, Baptist or anything. In the Bible Jesus hated Religion. Its true! He wants a “relationship” of love, not a “religion” of stuffy rules & money.
So - why did I give you this card? Honestly, it’s just to give you a note from God. I’m sort of a Post Man for Jesus.
Jesus Christ is my Savior, Lord & Best Friend. There is nothing better than a real intimate romantic relationship with Jesus. Too many people & even “so-called” Church Christians are hypocrites.
They have religion but no relationship with Jesus. Many can be found at the big Baptist or other Churches in your town. They know their Church building, they know the Pastor, they know the cool Band Leader & his favorite songs and the donut coffee room. But they don’t know Jesus.
Hey! - I’m not inviting you to Church. With this card that I’m giving to you now, even though I am an Ordained Pastor, my wish is to just simply invite you to know that Jesus loves you. Simple & easy Bible Truth. Free. No money, no membership, no rules.
Look: You may say that your ok with God because yougo to Church - but that doesn’t make you a real Christian who is going to Heaven - any more than going to Taco Bell makes you a Taco! - All it means is that you go to Church. So what!
Even if you were baptized, confirmed or wear a gold jewelry cross, have Rosary beads, you do nice things and are a good person – so what! None of that can ever- get you into Heaven. If it could, then God made a mistake by sending His only Son to die for you. Sinners need a personal Savior.
A personal relationship with Jesus. Believe it or not, Jesus told Church people over & over in the Bible to “go away from me because “I don’t know you”! These were Church people! Jesus told nice, good Church people to “go away”. WOW!
Jesus must personally and deeply know you and that only happens in a 1-1 relationship where He is the most important person in your life. Is He? (Read Matthew 7:21-23 & Luke 13:23-25)
Jesus did NOT come to earth to start the Catholic orany religion or denomination or to set up Priest or Pastors, for nice paid jobs with power, money & rules. Jesus as He walked this earth didn’t pick the Priest or educated professionals.
Jesus picked mostly uneducated nobodies.
For you - For you- The Holy Bible says that Jesus was Tortured, His Beard was ripped off His face, Hewas spit on, Punched, Whipped, Nailed & Crucified. They beat Him up so bad that Jesus was disfigured & didn’t even look like a person! See Isaiah 53 –
Get this! - Jesus Christ took your place. He paid for your sins. Our sins in a way were the nails that killed Jesus Christ. God loves you so much that He gave youHis only Son, Jesus. Let me ask you: Would you give your only child to be tortured for a criminal in jail? God did!
LOOK: Of all the world’s religions -
the ONLY religious leader who died for others & the only one who rose from the grave and is still alive today - is Jesus Christ. All the others world religion leaders - are dead, rotting & stinking.
None of them can help you. Ever! Only Jesus is the true God & can Save (or rescue) you. But as Jesus reaches out to you - it’s your free choice to take His hand & be Saved or say “No”. Not making a choice – is a choice right now.
Jesus came to be the sacrifice & payment for your sins. Yup - YOU sinned - Jesus gave up His 100% perfect pure life - to be tortured and die & pay your 100% guilty sin penalty & Save you. He has walked into your ugly jail cell, to let you go free - while He takes on Himself your punishment. But you can say “No” to Him – and stay in your ugly bad jail - if you want to. Your choice! Jesus is here to rescue you from a place called Hell. BUT - you are free to close the door in Gods face.
Look - I know that you probably hate those words “Born Again Christian”. Ok! But how about if I said - do you want to have a “second chance” at your life? That’s the same thing. Or maybe you don’t like the word “saved” - but how about if I said do you want to be “rescued” from this bad ugly world?
As the famous singer Bob Dylan said “you gotta serve somebody” - It’s either yourself with your sin or you serve Jesus. The Bible says that without Jesus, we are slaves to Satan and sin.
You may think that you are a good person. But there are billions of good people, church people, in Hell. They didn’t ask Jesus to Save them. They depended upon things or false religions that can’t forgive sin.
I ask you:
Have you ever lied, been jealous, hated & wished for anybody to die? Then you are guilty of having been a lying, covetous, murderer and have broke 3 of Gods commandments. So you are guilty. Actually we “all” have broke “all” of the commandments. Now what? There is only 1 hope for you - which is you getting Born Again Saved by Jesus.
Let me be clear ok? Jesus must be your Lord of all, orHe is not your Lord at all. God will never accept being in 2nd or 3rd place in your life. When Jesus died For You - He gave up all of His breath & blood & life - for you. In return you are to give Him all of your life, with your sin, trouble, pain, sadness, hurting, anxiety and worry. What a trade huh? But it must be a 100% to100% trade.
Maybe you are searching for the right path or road in your life. Many people are.
Alice in Wonderland.
Alice was lost, just as you are right now. So Alice asked the Owl which way she should go.
Owl said “where (or to who) do you want to go?”. Alice said “I don’t know”. Then Owl said - “well Alice, then I guess it really doesn’t matter which way you go, does it?”
The right path is Jesus. He said that He is “the way, the truth and the life”. But you are the one who has the freedom to take a step to Him - to Heaven. Your choice. Your choice. Your choice. I don’t care about your name or money. But I’m telling you that Heaven is your choice – alone.
Life Sucks sometimes- right? All that hurt in you. Nobody can help you - but Jesus.
You can’t get help, not ever from praying to Mary (who admitted that she was a sinner & called Jesus her Lord), Rosary beads, a Jesus statue, Saint Taylor Swift, Pastor Snoop Dog or being a good person - or anything else. None of any of that will ever ever ever help or get you into Heaven. I promise you.You may say “but I’ve prayed” or that you’ve been baptized or confirmed. So what! None of that matters. Hell is filled with people who did those exact things & still went to Hell. . Look, if you’re not truly Born Again & Saved according to what God Himself says, you will go to Hell. That's the flat out honest Bible truth. Are you gonna gamble your eternity against that? Really?
From Adam & Eve (it was not Steve) there has been Sin. That’s why we need a Savior. Jesus Christ wants to take His Nail pierced hands and Hug & Love & He Loves you and wants to be with you forever.
Do you want to go to Heaven? Take a simple step to Heaven with a simple prayer. How?
————— Say -
● “Jesus- I believe in you, maybe only a bit. But you know that already. I believe enough in you Jesus - to ask for your mercy & for you to wash away my dirty sins with your clean blood from your Cross & forgive me. I ask you to be my Lord and give me yourself and your love and peace and to live in my heart. Help me to read your love letter Bible and fall in love with you and follow you
until you take me home to Heaven. Jesus help me to know you personally as my Savior to Save me.Please be my best friend and the Lord of my life forever. Amen”
God wants you! Knowing Jesus romantically is beautiful. But you can’t have a romance with someone that you haven’t even personally & privately met yet. Right? You don’t meet a building or Pastor. Instead, you are to meet Jesus in a prayer. The Bible talks of the kisses of Jesus and how He holds those He knows & even sings a song to them. Cool huh! Song of Solomon 1:2, 2:6, Zeph 3:17
Jesus created you (as He does all babies that are living people that He created & doesn’t want aborted - which is murder) and now He wants to rescue you. The hand of Jesus is reaching out to you. But it is up to you to Grab His Hand and Live!
Run to Jesus & give Him alllll of your pain, anger, sadness, rejection, anxiety, debt, worries, fears and all of your hurt. Ask the Savior to Save You. You. You.
In the Bible we see Jesus tell the story of person maybe just like you! This person was happy, had a family, some money - but he didn’t repent and get saved by Jesus.
Maybe he was a 3 times a year Catholic or some other Church type guy. Christmas, Easter & weddings. The man died & was immediately in torment pain. He screamed in Hell that he needed water to “cool my tongue. I am burning here in this place (Hell) in these flames.’ “But Abraham (in Heaven) said to him, ‘remember that during your lifetime you had good things …. Now you are in anguish (pain)…. There is a great chasm (space) separating us (Heaven to Hell). No one can EVER cross over to you - from here, and no one (in Hell where you are burning) can cross over to us (in Heaven) from there.” Luke 16:23-26 - This man messed up his choice. He chose a fun life for himself, with maybe a bit of Church - instead of giving himself to Jesus. He is still in Helltoday & for eternity with no choice to get out. But - there is still today a chance for you. But maybe that chance will be gone in a few minutes. Take the right step. Jesus is waiting for you right now. Give Jesusyour life and sins and pain and hurt and confusion andevery bad thing in your life - and take from Him all of His peace, love and forgiveness.
Look! Jesus will take every step to Save you - but the last one. That choice - is up to you -
One of the key things in “love” is to “look” and “see”.
As I am married to my wife, if I don’t look at her, or if I choose to live far away from her, if I never think of her or talk of her, am I honestly in love with her? The look we should give to Jesus, our lover, should be from more then from our eyes, it should be from our heart.
Let me tell you a story:
“There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. Looking & seeing where not available to her. She hated everyone - except who she claimed that she loved, her boyfriend, who had taken care of all her needs. He was always there for her, no matter what hurt or pain she had.
She told her boyfriend, "If I ever could see you I would want to then marry you".
Well one day someone -donated a pair of seeing eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, "Now that you can see the world, will you stay with me forever and marry me as you promised?”
- The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind! The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that!
So then as she began to think of forever looking at him & his blindness for the rest of her life, she began to tell him that she does not want to look at him or be married to him.
- Her boyfriend left in sadness & tears and days he later wrote a note to her saying; "I love you. Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for I want you to know, that before they were yours to see, - they were mine."
I think that this is how it is for many of the church today. Many say we see or have “accepted” Jesus years ago, but now in their life, they are still blind and refuse to “look” at Him, or be with Him. They don’t even dare to mention & confess His name. I ask you to do this: Get away from people or your church and all religion for a week. Get alone with Jesusand His Word. “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” ISA 45:22
The great Theologian - Yogi Berra said “You can see a lot by just looking”!
I want to thank you for reading this. I want to ask you - read Psalm 51 (slow) and talk to Jesus as you read it. This thing can change your life! Now try every day to read Gods Love letter to you - your Bible.
I like when people start to suggest Psalms and Mark.
I also encourage you to read quotes on Google (any internet) by Charles Spurgeon and A.W. Tozer. Both helped me know Jesus more & changed my life.
Now: If you are looking for a church - find a simple one that actually teaches the whole Bible. Manysadly don’t and just have sermon speeches. I like the small Churches that meet in small buildings, hotels or rented out places without a lot of expensive debt. Jesus sat people down on grass in small groups of 50 and even fed them during the teaching. I like that type of small thing for a Church. As a Pastor when I teach, I let people eat pizza & drink. Jesus loves people not church places and He loves believers not dumbbuildings.
Google “Home Church” and visit one near you. Or go to a Church where people wear jeans, some maybe have Tattoos, and you can wear shorts.
Be careful: Ask the Church you visit if they 1. Teach the whole Bible. 2. Believe in Salvation and 3. Believe in the power of God through His Spiritual Baptism (different than water). Sadly, half of the stubborn older churches (many but not all - are Baptist – and know this - that I’m a Baptist Pastor!) don’t & so their people are the like the walking dead with no spiritual power from God, so they don’t have any victory… because they denied God the Holy Spirits Baptism of power - that Jesus exactly said to ask for! They are like dead dressed up religious toys with no batteries. Yes – I share this message with Baptist. Some will ask for God the Holy Spirit & His Baptism and yet, sadly many will not. Like an idol - too many love their denomination & building more than the exact Bible words of Jesus (God the Son) on God the Holy Spirit. As you look for a Church, try your best for a small family type nondenomination Church. They aren’t locked into false man-made traditions made up by farting old men, from years ago who think you need to dress up to go Worship Jesus at Church. Its not Jesus fault that they are dumb & mean. Small Churches don’t care about owning buildings or property and they don’t care about your money. They care about Jesus. I like that!
Note: Be careful! Stay away from cults. Mormons & Jehovah Witnesses - as they don’t believe in the real Jesus Christ of the Bible and the Holy Trinity. They cut up Bible words and add their own stupid cult ideas. They have actually been sued for their lying. Don’t listen to them when they knock on your door. You need Jesus Christ and His Love, not cults and bad churches. Look: I didn’t write all of this with my own money – to now fear you grabbing the hand of the wrong jesys instead of the true real Bible Jesus. Remember – I don’t want your name or money. But I do want you to know the simple truth.
Look: I believe in simplicity. God made me, I have sinned. So - He sent His only Son to Save & Rescue me and today He sent me to you. To try to rescue you.
The next step is yours - right now – so please make the right one. Please! Your eternity depends on it.
Thanks & Bye Bye.
Christ Servant, A sinner named Pastor Andy.
If you want me to pray with you just call me at 585-348-7557 - Or email meat chiefofallsinners@yahoo.com - or at Pastor@AndyLovesJesus.com
The Web site is: AndyLovesJesus.com
For answers to many Bible questions, see - www.GotQuestions.org
An invitation to you - to be allowed into Heaven after you die.
Just Gods Bible Words. No religion.
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