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My Romance with God:
“I have found the one whom my soul loves!” Song of Solomon 3:4
𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 - 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧! I am against begging for money, power, tons of rules, pride and legalism. 𝓑𝓾𝓽 𝓲 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓻 𝓙𝓮𝓼𝓾𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽!
There is nothing better than a romance with Jesus, who created you & then died to redeem (buy you) you back - unto Himself. Too many people and even “so-called” Christians never get the best intimate romance ever. They stop at the door of their pastor, religion or church. Thats Dumb.
Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian - any more than going to Taco Bell makes you a Taco!
Do you know (𝓢𝓾𝓻𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓮) the only people in the Bible Jesus got angry at were the priest/pastors! Jesus hates religion! But He loves you so much, that He allowed Himself to be tortured & killed for you, to pay for your own guilty sins.
Did you tell Him you’re sorry yet?
Your good deeds & going to church - can’t ever save you you to go to for Heaven. Only being 1-1 with Jesus can. It’s time to open your CHRISTmas gift! But the tearing of the gift paper is like of your tearing off your sinful life, (repentance) trading your junk (sin) to Jesus - who then gives Himself to you for a new fresh start in life.
Jesus said over & over that most (not a few - but most) nice good church people - won’t (will NOT) go to Heaven, because He never “Knew” them (word “know” is almost sexual union - except it is Spiritual union) (Matt 7:21-23 & Luke 13:23-27)
Jesus must be your Lord of all, or He is not your Lord at all. You can’t give Him 75% and keep back your life. God will never accept those terms. On a bloody Cross - Jesus gave 100% of His life to Save you. Heaven and Hell are real. Only Saved
people can go to Heaven with Jesus
When your tired head is in the lap of Jesus and His perfumed air goes across your face with His nail pierced hands holding you tight - nothing can compare to that and give you peace.
Run to Jesus & give Him your Life: your pain, anger, sadness, rejection, anxiety, debt, worries, fears and all of your hurt.
Ask the Savior to Save you.
Let God hold you! The Love Letter Bible says: “His left hand is under my head, and his right hand caresses me.” Song 2:6.
You need to make a choice. Are you willing to be like the person in the Bible who said “I’m done, I’m lonely and hungry and nothing in life makes me happy. So, I’m going back to my Father. The Bible says “So, he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his Father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; He ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him”. As you start to leave your sucky life and you go to Jesus, He will then run out to meet YOU! Start now and take a step to Jesus.
Can you imagine your friend or spouse speaking to you from 100 yards away? How about even 10 yards away? Not easy right? Now picture them speaking to you with their lips next to your ear. This should be our goal a 1-1, a personal romance with Jesus in peace and love.
The Love Letter Holy Bible says: “Let him kiss me”. For His love is better than wine”. Song 1:2 You don’t kiss strangers right? So get to “know” Jesus 1-1 personally! Religion & church can’t rescue or give you what Jesus can give you in a real and intimate way.
You can’t have a romance with someone that you haven’t even personally met - Right? So start your romance with Jesus by reading His love letter to you. Start in in the Bible books of Psalms & Mark.
As you read His words, freely talk with him. That’s called simple prayer.
Look: I don’t care about your church or denomination or baby baptism. None of that matters for you to go to Heaven.
All that matters is does Jesus really know you intimately? If not - then eternity in Hell is next for you and not eternity with Jesus in Heaven.
It’s time for you to have quiet romantic time – with Jesus. Start in your car, bathroom or wherever. The next step - is all just yours.
God is waiting for you right now. His love and hug to you are waiting. Go to Jesus. Give Him your life and sins and take from Him all of His peace, love and forgiveness.
Your choice alone - Right here & right now. I’m praying for you.
~ Pastor Andy.
Hi. I’m Pastor Andy and I hate religion. This web page is to help you to get to know a little more about me & see some of my sermons & devotionals. Also check out our Facebook page (JesusisAwesome). For more of my Jesus stuff see
Life Sucks sometimes- right?
I ain’t gonna talk to you about religion. Never! Get this: The only people Jesus hated were the religious priest - not sinners! WOW !
My name is Pastor Andy and it was nice meeting you today!
- Ok, so let’s start with me telling you that I’m not religious, or denominational and I go to Church only sometimes. I don’t like the begging for money, clothing rules, and a lot of other stuff. Yes, I am Ordained and have led a few nice Churches.
I am deeply in love with Jesus Christ - who is my God and Best Friend. It is because of Him that I wrote this little card because, I want to give you His ultimate instructions from His “Love Letter” (The Bible) on how is the only true way to go to Heaven. Jesus wants me to invite people like you - who are tired, worried, hurting & troubled.
We all have problems and troubles. Life sucks sometimes. So when life hurts we choose the wrong things or people to ease our pain. Maybe you have made bad decisions. But the 100% best answer to every problem that you have, is Jesus. Question: Have you gone directly to Him?
Look: God loves Misfit people with problems! Yet Jesus hates Religion. It’s not Jesus fault for all of the crazy, bad and other problems that Churches have or that fake crazy money begging garbage that you see on tv. My Jesus is the one who saw religious people in a church doing that and sent and got out a whip and flipped over their money tables! Yeah man - thats my Jesus from the Holy Bible. A real tough man, not that crap that CNN and talk shows push on you that Jesus is a little yes man type of Bobblehead.
Let me tell you a truth; ALL of us on earth have sinned. Sin separates you from God. To solve that, Jesus was sent to be the sacrifice & payment for your sins. You sinned - and Jesus took your punishment. He was 100% perfect with no sin. So Jesus gave up His life to Save you, walk into your jail cell, let you go free while He takes on your punishment. He is here to rescue you from a place called Hell. Jesus is Gods only Son, and He was sent to die for you. Did you know that Jesus was Tortured, His Beard ripped off His face, He was spit on, then Nailed and Crucified?
Our sins in a way were the nailsthat killed Jesus Christ. The Bible says that after they tortured Jesus, He was disfigured and didn’t look like a human person. AND He did that for You!
God loves you so much that He gave you His only Son. His only Son. His only Son. What a gift!
That’s called Good News and is the opposite bad news - which is eternity in Hell as a judgment sentence against you for your sins, which will happen if you don’t accept Gods gift to you. Mean? Don’t be stupid. You broke Gods laws and God now pays for your own crime by sending His only Son to take your punishment. That’s not mean. That’s awesome. You are the one who is mean to your own self if you reject this gift sent to rescue you from what you did!
The Good News is being “Saved” or rescued from eternal burning in Hell. God loves you, so He sent His only Son to pay for your sins & rescue you from that. But YOU have freedom. Your are free right now as you read this - to make a needed personal decision - to accept Jesus - one to one. If you make the free choice not to, then that is in fact your own choice which includes damnation. Again, again, again - it’s your own choice. Accept the free gift or deny it. Simple. God doesn’t send people to Hell. People do that themselves - by not accepting the gift of God, of His Son Jesus. It’s is allllllll your ownchoice. This is not “religion”. Instead this is Salvation and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Look: it’s your personal choice. Jesus or Hell. Simple. There is no door # 3.
Wait! Did you notice that I haven’t asked you for your money or given you tattoo or any religion rules? So stay with me here. Our talk right now is simply - clearly just this > you and Jesus and your criminal sins and your eternity in either Heaven or Hell. That’s it.
Maybe you grew up going to Church, but all that means it that you went to Church, just like going to Taco Bell doesn’t make you a Taco! Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian. Get it?
As I said, Life Sucks at times right? Your job, family, health, money, I get it. I really do. But still - your life will - end soon. That’s a promise. Then what? Do you want to escape all this bad stuff and go to Heaven?
- So let’s cover why Jesus came to earth. —- It was to be the payment for your own guilty sins. Got it? We are all sinners & have broke the 10 Commandments. Let’s see! Have you ever “once” lied, ever stolen, used God’s name in vain, or were lustful or jealous? Yes we all have. If so, then you are guiltyof being a liar, thief, blasphemer & adulterer. We all have broken all of Gods laws. Are we clear on that?
If you die as you are now, you will end up in Hell for your judgement and that is only by your own choice. The blame will be on you and not God. God wants to save you, but it’s your choice to accept Jesus or say no. Your choice. Your choice. I’m not saying go to church! I’m not saying be religious. Nope! I’m saying following Jesus.
Everyone, yes everyone has to have their dirty blood sin paid for and the only accepted price for sin is innocent blood. Not going to church or being nice. That’s why Father God - sent the Only Son that He has, to die on a Cross and have His life & blood pay your sins. God created you, and He has come to save you from this stupid messed up world & your own sins. Though you broke God's Law - Jesus paid for your sins, but that forgiveness payment is only recorded by God , if you accept His terms. Terms? Jesus gave up all of His life to Save you & have you give to Him today, all of your life - now.
Look: let’s be real ok? Jesus is either your Lord (Master) of All OR Jesus is Not your Lord at all. He will never accept being in 2nd place to anyone or anything, including a church, priest or even your own self.
Jesus created you, and yes, you have sinned in this life, so He came to Save you & give you a second chance (Born Again) in this life, as He then helps you in this crazy world and prepares a Mansion Home for you in Heaven. He paid for you with His Blood. Wow! You pay Him back by telling Him that you are sorry (repentance) for your sins and then asking Him to be your Lord, Savior and Best Friend & Following Him. I’m telling you the guts honest truth - Religion & Church & being nice - can’t Save you. Never!
I blew it. You blew it. We all blew it and sinned against God. So God offers you a New start in this life. Then He helps you in this crazy world with the wacky stupid stuff and He prepares a Mansion for you in Heaven! That’s Awesome! That’s Cool! Hey- He paid for you with His own Blood. You pay Him back by telling Him that you are sorry (repentance) for your sins and then asking Him to be your Lord, Savior and Best Friend. I’m telling you the guts honest truth - Religion & Church & being a nice person - can’t Save you. Your good deeds and smile and ten dollar donation equals Jesus being tortured? Don’t be stupid. That’s idiotic to think that you can “earn” Heaven. Jesus owns Heaven and the only way you get in (the ONLY WAY) is by accepting His gift of His Cross for you and asking Him to forgive and Save you. Hey - I’m just telling you EXACTLY what the Bible says.
You can (and should) do this right now! He is waiting, He is watching you and listening. Say something such as: “Jesus please forgive me of my sins. Be my Savior and God. Help me to follow you”.
Jesus rose from the grave and was seen by hundreds of eyewitnesses. This is actually documented history. Jesus defeated Satan (who hates you and wants to hurt you in this life) and death!
What now? Google for a Church near you- that actually “teaches” the whole Bible (many - sadly don’t) & then be Grown up Adult Baptized (Baby baptism Grown up adult Baptized why? Because baby Baptism is NOT found anywhere in the entire Bible and as such - it has no value.
Who cares what any stinking money hungry dumb Priest says -if what they say differs even 1% from what God Almighty says. Remember- the only people that Jesus got mad at were Priest and all religious people.
All that counts is what God says.
Stay away from cults like Mormons & Jehovah Witnesses - as they don’t believe in the real Jesus of the Bible. They cut up Bible words and added their goofy ideas and made up a cartoon fake version. They are idiots.
Hey- Jesus will take every step to Save you - but the last one. That choice - is up to you - to step into His waiting arms by believing and let Him Save and Help you or to walk away, have fun and at the end go to Hell for eternity. God lets you choose. We have the problem of stinking rotting sin. God solved it by sending His people vector clean Son to take your punishment onto Himself. You then choose to accept that or refuse that. Your choice equals your eternity.
My hope is that you will say this prayer similar to this - “Jesus, please Save me. Take all of my life, sins and wash me clean in your blood from your Cross. You gave your life for me, help me to give all of my life to you and I ask you to be my Lord, God and best friend and take me when I die to your home in Heaven”.
Prayer is not rubbing Mary beads or reading a Catholic card. Prayer (hello!) is just talking to God !
Today let Jesus be your Savior, Lord and Best Friend. He is waiting right now!
Ok. I told you enough of the truth. Now it’s up to you!
My name is Pastor Andy. If you want me to pray with you just call me at 585-348-7557
Or email me at
Web: &
Read this article on me! The college of SUNY Brockport’s student run newspaper Article on how our Church is.
𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓐𝓷𝓭𝔂
Just a guy. I am an Ordained Minister & Pastor and have had a few Churches and teach at many as I travel. I love Jesus and my family and other people. I am a sinner who has made mistakes and has gone to Jesus 1-1 and asked Him to forgive & save me. He has and now I belong to Him.
I don’t like religion and many churches that have rules and beg for your money.
I like the simple & easy Bible way of Loving God and letting Him love me. I like to feed others, visit the sick and help people to know that Jesus died for them & loves them. 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐲
Jesus feeds:
𝓟𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓐𝓷𝓭𝔂
Pastor Andy
Check out this sermon:
Check out this video on Surrendering to God . Give Him alllllll of your life.
You need the Baptism of God!
His vision as a Pastor
Psalms 46 - Be still know him. Know Jesus personally and intimately.
Not “know church” or “know religion” but Know Jesus and Know that He died for you and Loves You. Talk (prayer) to Him today. He is waiting right now!
Two sermons on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Proven by Gods Bible.
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